Sunday, January 05, 2014

black & white

My favorite part about illustrating a piece is always getting to color it at the end. It's like being transported to 6 year old me with a coloring book and a big ol' boxset of 120 crayolas....with every hue of the rainbow with fanciful names such as Mango Tango, Razzmatazz, and Purple Mountains Magesty! pure heaven. 

But sometimes when a kid has 120 options, they get a little overwhelmed and don't know where or how to begin. So I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and bring it back to the basics. I wanted to see what a kid would create if all they had was a single black sharpie. 

So far...its been actually kind of liberating as it lets me focus on a different aspect of me...Its allowing me to focus on the beauty of fonts and focus on shapes and's looking forward to where this marker takes me.

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